The most recent figures coming from the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) show once again that the Charolais breed in Ireland continue to make positive genetic gains. Charolais sired cattle continue to become more efficient in relation to carcass weight, confirmation and calving ease, three of the most important terminal traits.

The above graph is based on 1.4 Million CH Sired Steers slaughtered between 2008 and 2018. It illustrates the genetic improvements made within the Charolais breed in Ireland in terms of Terminal traits over the last 12 years.

1.4 Million CH Sired Steers slaughtered between 2008 and 2018

1.4 Million CH Sired Steers slaughtered between 2008 and 2018

1.4 Million CH Sired Steers slaughtered between 2008 and 2018

1.4 Million CH Sired Steers slaughtered between 2008 and 2018

The above graphs are based on 1.4 Million CH Sired Steers slaughtered between 2008 and 2018. They clearly highlight the improvements that are being made within the Charolais breed in relation to some of the key terminal traits, carcass weight, carcass confirmation and age at slaughter. In simple terms, Charolais sired cattle are killing out at a younger age than they did ten years ago, with better carcass weights and better confirmation.

The above graph is based on CH Sired Steers, on HO/FR cows over the last 10 years. The table demonstrates the improvements in efficiency of Charolais sired stock coming from the Dairy herd. Once again it shows that Charolais sired cattle are killing out faster, with better carcass weights and better confirmation than they did 12 years ago.

The above graph shows the Calving difficulty trends of Pedigree Registered Charolais Bulls over the last 12 years. It clearly highlights the massive improvements being made by the Charolais breed in relation to calving ease. 

The above findings and results are extremely positive for the Charolais breed, but most of all from a commercial point of view. Charolais sired cattle are consistently becoming more efficient in terms of beef production. These gains are vital for suckler farming and beef production in general. With genetic gains like this, commercial farmers must consider Charolais when selecting their breed of choice in the future.